Live Stream

behind the scene support - online or in person

From behind the scene support for your workshops to large-scale live stream productions from world-class venues, providing you with the right support so you can focus on the content of your workshop is what we like to do. Below are two case studies showing you what support we can provide.

Paul and Bobby from Trumpet Diagnostics

Paul and Bobby are two trumpet players from Seattle Washington who wanted help with putting on a live stream presentation for their Facebook Group. Paul and Bobby were on Zoom. The feed was brought into our OBS session where we set up scenes to elevate their presentation and handled all live stream elements that had to be moved during their presentation. This was then live-streamed to their Facebook Group.

By handling the technology aspect of the live stream, Paul and Bobby could focus on the content of their presentation.

See the entire presentation here:

Musicians Helping at Casa Loma Castle in Toronto ON

Musicians Helping in collaboration with the Casa Loma Symphonic Orchestra presented a Live Stream of Holiday Music to Schools. Get Media Done provided all technical support including Audio, Video, and a Live Stream Platform. We also supported the project by providing logo design and marketing material.